«I am a bad mother»: a woman in Pavlodar attempted to jump out of a ninth-floor window

She was rescued by the police. The desperate act of the woman was explained by her belief that she would never be a good mother to her child. The Pavlodar woman has not recovered after giving birth, as reported by Pavlodar-online. On July 11th, around 13:30, a woman rushed into the police station and told law enforcement officers that a girl on the ninth floor wanted to jump out of the window. This incident occurred on Estay Street. Captain of the police Aset Kurmangaliev reported: «Approaching the building, I noticed a woman standing in the doorway of the entrance window. Residents below were shouting at her to reconsider. Without wasting time, we hurried up the stairs to the ninth floor. To avoid frightening the woman, we started talking to her, asked her name, where she was from, what had happened.» While talking to the woman, the police approached closer and asked her to look at them. «She leaned over and looked at us. I asked her to give me her hand, and we pulled her into the entrance. Already on the way down and holding onto us, the woman started saying that she is a bad mother and will never be good. As we descended, we reassured her, saying that everything will be fine, her loved ones are waiting at home, who love her and will always support her. During the conversation, it was found out that she has one child,» the police officers shared. It was revealed that personal struggles after giving birth were the reason for such actions. The rescued woman was handed over to the medics by the police officers.