
Прошло сто лет: местные жители старых городских районов в Павлодаре требуют удалить свои дома

Но у муниципальных властей нет пока конкретного плана предложений для людей, проживающих в условиях, не соответствующих стандартам жизни. В Павлодаре четыре древних жилых массива подлежат уничтожению, и только для одного из них был найден инвестор с трудом. Работы на строительной площадке проходят с огромными сложностями, что оставляет жителям двухэтажных домиков немного места для надежды.

Несколько лет назад в жилом районе на пересечении улиц Теплова-Джамбульская в Павлодаре находились пять рухнувших домов. Однако один из этих домов в частично сгоревшем состоянии с 2009 года, жители оставшейся половины строения продолжали бороться за выживание в условиях постоянного разграбления, который привлекал бездомных и наркозависимых. И в конечном итоге, после проведения на свои средства технической экспертизы, этот полуразрушенный дом признали аварийным.

Согласно законодательству страны, следует иметь более одного плачевного признака структуры, чтобы она была признана аварийной. Часть жильцов самостоятельно покинула свои дома, а другую часть, как утверждают соседи из четырех оставшихся домов, переселило государство. В то время как разрушенный и пустой дом, остающийся на месте, выглядит как настоящее хранилище строительных материалов.

Оставшиеся четыре дома в жилом массиве также уже давно находились на грани аварии, но этот факт не был документально подтвержден. По словам местных жителей, они словно застряли в праисторическом городе. Вода, туалеты (которые с трудом можно назвать туалетами), все находится на улице. Прохудившиеся стены и промерзшая крыша – это общественное явление.

 —  Мы работали на благо страны, пока были силы и здоровье, — жалуется инвалид второй группы, жительница микрорайона Сулушаш Алтыбасарова. — А сейчас остались за чертой бедности. Мне было 27 лет, когда я переехала сюда, сейчас уже за шестьдесят, и до сих пор жду новое жилье.

Наши дома неухоженные, мусор выбрасываем на улицу, а уличные туалеты уже под землей. Строения едва держатся. Основание разрушено, крыша протекает. Даже слабый ветер — это наш страх остаться под завалами. Стены из камышаTrumbles crumble, not a single nail you can drive. Inside these walls, construction materials are ash and reed. In the unbearable cold winter, the heaters barely warm up. And in order not to freeze, we sit on heaters all winter. And all the wiring is exposed. And for such warmth, I give most of my meager allowance for communal services. In the end, I have no money left for «livelihoods» or medicines that I need. I have been to the akimat many times, they say: we will demolish you soon, very soon, in 2023, now they promise not before 2025-2027. We know that we need developers, and when they come, we run to meet them. And they say: everything depends on the city authorities, who have conditions. The investor must resettle us somewhere, at least for a year. And these expenses the developers do not want to take on, it is expensive,» Sulush summarizes.

78-year-old pensioner Lyudmila Khmelyova hurries to light up a column. Fortunately, there is water in it now, in winter she has to carry buckets from afar:

— 54 years to these houses,» Lyudmila Andreevna is calculating for herself. «I have been living here since 2010, but there is nowhere to move,» the woman sighs.

Nowhere to move for most local residents, the main contingent of which consists of pensioners and disabled people. Several trips to the column, for example, are made by the lonely 75-year-old Bakhyt Makasheva. The hunched dry body of the miniature woman bends under them three times on laundry and cleaning days, which, despite her age, the woman often initiates. The Kamyshevs, a married couple, are in a similar situation.

A few years ago, the homeowner Gulbarshin became disabled due to a severe illness and now eats through a tube. The woman needs constant care, which entirely falls on her husband Nurmagambet’s shoulders. Ironically, he works at TOO «Pavlodar Vodokanal», but coming home in the evening, like everyone else, he trudges with jugs to the column.

— I dream of something simple. So that my wife can wash in the house, not fetch water in buckets. So that there is a toilet in the house. I go to work, worried if everything is okay at home. I come home — still worried. I dream that she has all the conditions,» honestly says Nurmagambet Kamishev.

In the Pavlodar akimat, it is explained that there are four old neighborhoods in the city (Teplova-Dzhambulskaya, Railway Station, Zatonskiy Market, Pavlova-Bekmahanova). And the service life of panel buildings, once constructed as temporary housing, is 30 years. All reed houses fall under the program of comprehensive reconstruction of old neighborhoods approved in 2021. According to its conditions, owners of old housing are provided with new housing of equivalent area. However, construction is carried out only at private investors’ expense.

Regarding the microdistrict at the intersection of Teplova-Dzhambulskaya streets,

The detailed layout plan was approved in 2022. Someday, instead of five old houses, there will be thirty-two apartments in two nine-story buildings and one three-story building for 192 families. However, the authorities do not have a definite answer as to when this will happen.

— Housing in this area is not considered emergency, — explains the chief specialist of the urban planning sector of the construction and architecture department of the city, Timur Seitkaliev. – To declare a house as an emergency, apartment owners independently commission a technical inspection at their own expense. After the house is declared emergency, demolition can begin. However, demolition will only take place with the agreement of a potential investor. Currently, all of this is in the negotiation stage, — the official says.

Plans for detailed planning have also been approved for three other old neighborhoods. In addition, in March 2023, the Pavlodar region administration adopted a roadmap to provide new housing for owners of old houses. Negotiations are underway with potential investors, especially since «Pavlodar Heat Networks» have reserved energy capacities for housing construction in this area.

In November 2022, in the Zatonsky microdistrict, the well-known «Bombay» wooden house and another neighboring one were finally demolished. Instead of 20 old buildings, seven multistory buildings are supposed to be built according to the detailed development plan. However, in the summer of 2023, residents who had temporarily relocated to rented apartments began to complain about the cessation of construction work. Currently, according to the city’s construction department, the investor has already raised several floors, so hopes for a successful completion of the construction have reappeared. Whether there will be potential buyers for other old neighborhoods in Pavlodar or they will continue to «chip away» at the city’s center, building closely to other houses, remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, residents of the Teplova Street microdistrict will continue to fight for their toilets this year. According to them, officials have sold the land under public utilities into private hands.

— The administration gave the land, — says a resident of the microdistrict, Alibek Itzhanov. — We are not allowing him to build on it, but he wants to build a cottage. And they tell us: take your toilets wherever you want and relocate them!

The post One hundred years at noon: residents of old microdistricts of Pavlodar ask to demolish their houses first appeared on «Nasha Zhizn». News of Pavlodar and the region.

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